Connect and grow with a global community 

Getting involved offers numerous benefits for everyone from new developers to experienced contributors. Here's why you should consider it:


Enhance your resume and showcase expertise

Contributing to open source decentralized technologies demonstrates real-world experience and teamwork, strengthening your appeal to potential employers.


Connect and grow with a global community 

Connecting with our network enhances both your personal and professional growth. Tackling shared challenges together speeds up your learning and makes you feel part of the community. 


Lead and guide community initiatives 

Being actively involved opens doors to leadership roles within the community, shaping governance, the trajectory of the community and the strategic direction of projects. 


Shape the future of decentralized technologies

Your involvement can steer the course of projects, influencing how these technologies reshape industries and empower communities worldwide.


Drive adoption and accelerate project timelines

Be a part of these projects to help speed up development of core technologies that are critical to your business and reduce your time to go to market, and boost adoption. 


Ensure project viability 

Active contributions are crucial for keeping projects vibrant and evolving, ensuring the technologies and tools you rely on continue to thrive well into the future.

Ready to get started?

Learn how to start contributing today through a variety of channels