Respectful collaboration starts here

LF Decentralized Trust is a collaborative project at The Linux Foundation. It is an open source and open community initiative where participants choose to work together, encountering differences in language, location, nationality, and experience. In such a diverse environment, misunderstandings and disagreements can occur, though most are resolved informally. In rare instances, however, behavior may intimidate, harass, or disrupt one or more people in the community, which LF Decentralized Trust will not tolerate.

A Code of Conduct is essential to define accepted and acceptable behaviors and to promote high standards of professional practice. It provides a benchmark for self-evaluation and acts as a tool to better identify the values of the organization.

This code (CoC) applies to any member of the LF Decentralized Trust community—developers, participants in meetings, teleconferences, mailing lists, conferences, or other functions. Note that this code complements, rather than replaces, legal rights and obligations relevant to any particular situation.

Statement of Intent 
LF Decentralized Trust is committed to maintaining a positive work environment. This commitment requires participants at all levels to behave according to the rules outlined in this code. A foundational concept of this code is that we all share responsibility for our work environment.

- Treat each other with respect, professionalism, fairness, and sensitivity to our many differences and strengths, including in high-pressure situations.
- Never harass or bully anyone verbally, physically, or sexually.
- Never discriminate based on personal characteristics or group membership.
- Communicate constructively and avoid demeaning or insulting behavior or language.
- Seek, accept, and offer objective work criticism, and properly acknowledge the contributions of others.
- Be honest about your own qualifications and any circumstances that might lead to conflicts of interest.
- Respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of data you access.
- Respect cultural differences while upholding professional, fair, and respectful behavior at all times.
- Promote the rules of this Code and take action (especially in leadership roles) to bring discussions back to a civil level when inappropriate behaviors are observed.
- Stay on topic: Post to the correct channel and avoid off-topic discussions.
- Step down considerately: When you disengage from LF Decentralized Trust, do so in a way that minimizes disruption to the project. Inform others and take steps to ensure a smooth transition.

- Demeaning Behavior: Acting in a way that reduces another person's dignity or self-worth.
- Discrimination: Prejudicial treatment based on criteria such as appearance, race, gender, sexual orientation, or political views.
- **Insulting Behavior: Treating others with scorn or disrespect.
- Acknowledgement: Recognition of the origin(s) and author(s) of a contribution.
- Harassment: Verbal or physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
- Leadership Position: Includes group Chairs, project maintainers, staff, and Board members.
- Participant: Includes developers, member representatives, staff, and anyone from the public involved in LF Decentralized Trust.
- Respect: The genuine consideration for someone, shown by treating them kindly and professionally.
- Sexual Harassment: Includes unwelcome sexual behavior, such as offensive remarks or physical contact.
- Unwelcome Behavior: Any conduct that could offend or hurt others or be perceived as harmful.
- Workplace Bullying: Persistent aggressive or unreasonable behavior that undermines or impedes work.
- Work Environment: The set of all means of collaboration, including mailing lists, chat channels, and face-to-face meetings.

Incident Procedure  
To report incidents or appeal reports, email Mike Dolan ( or Angela Brown ( Include relevant information such as publicly accessible material. The project will ensure a safe and collegial environment and reserves the right to take appropriate action, potentially including the removal of individuals from the project. An equitable resolution will be sought in the event of a misunderstanding.

This code is based on the W3C’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, with additions from the Cloud Foundry’s Code of Conduct.

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