Hyperledger in-Depth: Tokens in Hyperledger Fabric: What’s possible today and what’s coming

Hyperledger in-Depth: Tokens in Hyperledger Fabric: What’s possible today and what’s coming
Angelo De Caro Ph.D, IBM Research Staff member for Blockchain, Cryptography, and Security, Hyperledger Technical Steering Committee member
Elli Androulaki PhD, IBM Distinguished Research Staff Member & Manager Blockchain
Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui, Research Staff Member, IBM
Dave Enyeart, Architect for IBM Blockchain, Maintainer for Hyperledger Fabric project
March 17, 2022
8:00 am - 9:00 am PDT (UTC-7)



Tokenizing the physical world is a hot blockchain topic in the industry, especially as it relates to the trade of tokens as a basis of new forms of commerce. In this Hyperledger Foundation member webinar, the IBM Research team will describe what tokenization use cases are possible with Hyperledger Fabric today, and what enhancements are in the works.

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