Fluid TUID’ R.F.C. (Request For Comments) TUID = (EIN + CC + SO)* Hash

Fluid TUID’ R.F.C. (Request For Comments) TUID = (EIN + CC + SO)* Hash
Michael J. Darden Sr, founder of DFM Data Corp. Inc. September 21, 2021
7:00 AM PST (UTC-7)


A recording of the Hyperledger Trade Finance Special Interest Group meeting on September 21, 2021 with Michael J. Darden Sr, founder of DFM Data Corp. Inc.

In the digital world, transactions advance through status updates or checkpoints where stakeholders wish to know about progress and exceptions to manage their supply chain and cost risks. Purchase orders that reference Quote Numbers – Sales Orders that reference Purchase Orders – Invoices that reference Sales Orders and Purchase Orders, add in dynamic transport systems and Bills of Lading, and we need an Identity numbering system to know absolutely, the identity of exactly what is being shipped, with a unique ID that all involved stakeholders can use, much like the passenger name record in Air Travel, in ground transport, we suggest the ‘Transport Unit ID’ or ‘TUID’.

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