Five Years of Hyperledger: What’s the current impact and where will we drive change next?

Five Years of Hyperledger: What’s the current impact and where will we drive change next?
Dan O'Prey, Brian Behlendorf, David Treat. Chris Ferris, Hanna Zubko November 17, 2020
18:00 GMT (UTC-8)


As part of the 5 Years of Hyperledger Panel Series Celebration, join us for this panel discussion with members from Digital Asset, Accenture and IBM.

In 2020, discussions around governance, scaling and managing blockchain networks continued, but we also saw deeper interest in identity and supply chain use cases, given the struggle with COVID-19. This webinar will include company leaders who have been involved in Hyperledger since the early days, and can provide unique perspectives into the growth, hurdles, and challenges that come along with a layered, complex community and a vastly applicable nascent technology. They’ll speak to it from their own experience as a member and where they think the current opportunities are and where they think Hyperledger and enterprise blockchain is headed. They’ll back up their thoughts with the latest reports and research on the market.


Chris Ferris, IBM
David Treat, Accenture
Brian Behlendorf
Dan O’Prey, Digital Asset
Moderator: Hanna Zubko, IntellectEU

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