Blockchain Governance – Technology is Not the Issue

Blockchain Governance – Technology is Not the Issue
Jesse Chenard and Brendan Taylor at MonetaGo November 7, 2018
7:00 AM Pacific (UTC-8)


Financial institutions are sensitive about their data and do not want it available to competitors. The result — they are wary to join any shared blockchain network. We’ve seen this as a sticking point for adoption. MonetaGo convinced competitive finance receivables exchanges to join a Fraud Mitigation Network based on Hyperledger Fabric to eliminate instances of double financing without sharing specific elements of any invoice. MonetaGo CEO Jesse Chenard will walk through achieving the competitors’ buy-in process for this blockchain network now used in production. In this webinar, attendees will learn tricks and tips from direct field experience about how to get buy-in from various (often competing) parties to join a permissioned blockchain network for their mutual benefit while addressing their concerns from a technology standpoint.

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