Hyperledger Global Forum 2020

March 3 8:00 AM-March 6 5:00 PM PST

Hyperledger Global Forum will offer the unique opportunity for more than 1,000 users and contributors of Hyperledger projects from across the globe to meet, align, plan and hack together in-person. Open to members and non-members alike, attendees will have the chance to talk directly with Hyperledger project maintainers and the Technical Steering Committee, collaborate with other organizations on ideas that will directly impact the future of Hyperledger, and promote their work among the enterprise blockchain community.



Attend Hyperledger Global Forum to absorb everything you can about blockchain, how it’s being used and how it will impact our day to day lives. Meet potential partners and build relationships in highly interactive workshops.



March 3 8:00 AM

March 6 5:00 PM

Event Website: