Health Credentials, Travel, Climate Change, Financial Inclusion and More: Digital Identity Gets Real – Brian Behlendorf, Linux Foundation & Christine Leong, Accenture

September 29 10:30 AM-11:20 AM PDT

In a world where everyone is focusing on how to reopen, how to provide proof of vaccination or clear health status to board a plane or to enter a sporting event, digital identity is suddenly becoming very real now. In this discussion, Brian Behlendorf, Managing Director for Blockchain, Healthcare and Identity at the Linux Foundation, and Christine Leong, Accenture’s lead on Decentralized Identity, will take a step back and discuss the range of efforts and initiatives underway to develop and deploy digital identity solutions impacting not just from travel and healthcare but financial services, supply chains, government and more. The will cover success stories from ongoing deployments and updates on new applications. In the process, they will also discuss: – The business, social and technical drivers for digital identity – The importance of putting privacy and personal control (or self sovereignty) at the center of digital identity – The core requirements for and role of standards in implementing self sovereign digital identity solutions.




Brian Behlendorf

Linux Foundation
Managing Director for Blockchain, Healthcare and Identity

Brian Behlendorf is General Manager for Blockchain, Healthcare and Identity at the Linux Foundation. In this capacity, Brian leads the Hyperledger open-source enterprise blockchain software initiative as well as Linux Public Health, which builds software and services that assist public health authorities in the fight against the pandemic. Brian has a long history with open source software, going back to co-founding the Apache web server project in 1995, and from that point forward founding or working for a series of companies (Wired Magazine, Organic, CollabNet), non-profits (like the World Economic Forum), and governments (Office of Science and Tech Policy 2009, advisor to HHS ONC 2010). Brian currently also serves on the board of directors of the Mozilla Foundation and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Christine Leong

Managing Director, MPS Digital Identity Lead
Christine leads Accenture’s Decentralized Identity & Biometrics group globally and is also part of the global blockchain leadership team. She has over 20 years of experience in technology focused on security. Prior to her experience in IT, Christine worked for 9+ years in financial services. She has been supporting Accenture’s thought leadership and efforts in investments in blockchain since 2014. Christine has worked in several industries including Financial Services, Retail and Social Impact. Her relevant knowledge spans: Blockchain, Biometrics, Digital identity and Authentication. She is the inventor and sponsor the Circular Supply Chain initiative; she led Accenture’s work with WWF and Moore Foundation on Feasibility of blockchain for food supply chain amongst other inventions. She is a regular speaker at conferences globally and has published articles on blockchain for social impact, identity & blockchain. She is a passionate supporter of environmental sustainability and wildlife conservation. She is the program advisor to World Economic Forum’s initiative for Identity in the Digital World and the Known Traveller Digital Identity project. Learn more about the decentralized identity work that Christine is involved in:


September 29 10:30 AM

September 29 11:20 AM

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