Agri-D 2021 CONVENTION – 12 NOVEMBER 2021

November 12 8:00 AM-5:00 PM PST

Agri-D 2021 CONVENTION  is the International Online Conference & Exhibition Dedicated to Blockchain & DLT in Agriculture & the Food Supply Chain. World leading Institutions, Industry, Technology Experts and more provide inspirational keynotes & presentations surrounding the influences and solutions that blockchain & DLT can provide within Agriculture.

Hyperledger and community presentations: All times are Central European Time, Zurich, Berlin, Paris (UTC +1)
1) Time: 11:20 
Supporting the Future Towards Ethical & Resilient Food Systems  Panel Discussion Julian Gordon-Hyperledger, Anthony Day-IBM, Levine Naidoo, IBM Sterling , Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt – The New Fork, Srivatsa Sreenivasarao – TraceX

1) Time: 15:10
DLT Innovation & Digital Transformation in the Agri-Food Sector
Panel Discussion
Poojah Sanghvi – Accenture, Karen Ottoni – Hyperledger, Linda
Goetze – Blockchain Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Milly Perry – DAO
4 DAO Institute

2) Time: 17:10
Rural Inclusion: Banking the Unbanked
Panel Discussion
Nitin Gaur – IBM, Jon Trask – Dimitra, Varun Baker – Farm Credibly

3) Time: 17:15
Hyperledger Foundation’s Open Source Blockchain Technologies Enabling Innovation in Rural Development, Supply chain & Food Security
Daniela Barbosa, Executive Director, Hyperledger

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November 12 8:00 AM

November 12 5:00 PM

Event Website: