LF Decentralized Trust: A Bigger Tent for Projects, Labs, Members, and Communities

LF Decentralized Trust: A Bigger Tent for Projects, Labs, Members, and Communities

In case you missed it, the Linux Foundation recently announced the intent to form LF Decentralized Trust, a new bigger umbrella organization where we will gather and grow an expanded community and portfolio of technologies to deliver the transparency, reliability, security, and efficiency needed to successfully upgrade critical systems worldwide.

When it officially launches in early fall, LF Decentralized Trust will be the new home for the rapidly growing Hyperledger ecosystem and all that our community has built over the last 8 years. But that’s just the beginning. Under this broader umbrella, we will host new open source software, communities, standards, and specifications that are critical to the macro shift toward decentralized systems of distributed trust.  

Decentralized technologies, which enable peer-to-peer interactions without centralized intermediaries, are often referred to as Web3 and are used across many industries. Around the world, we are seeing a rapid pace of innovation and convergence in financial networks and the transactions they support. These decentralized systems and applications must be built with trust at the core. 

We are already getting started on expanding the ecosystem. For example, a new incubating project, code name Xkey, that was just approved by the TOC aims to be an ecosystem for threshold signing schemes (TSS) and multi-party computations (MPC). We also just introduced a new lab, Splice, for the Canton Network. Splice enables anyone in the Canton Network to launch their own version of a synchronizer to support cross network across independent applications. Learn more here

Adding these new and future projects and labs to our global ecosystem ensures an openness, both in terms of governance and open neutral development, that are foundational to trusted global systems. These are exactly the kind of contributions we want to encourage with the creation of LF Decentralized Trust.

As a new addition, Splice is one of 50+ code bases already in Hyperledger Labs, a space to experiment, incubate ideas and build community. Labs are critical proving grounds for code bases and communities and have been a consistent pipeline for formal projects. Of the 14 projects hosted today by Hyperledger Foundation, five started as labs.

Now, as we build our bigger LF Decentralized Trust tent, our arms are wide open for code, communities, and contributors that can help us bring trust and transparency to the decentralized networks and applications that are rapidly moving into production worldwide. Our organization will be an umbrella for members and communities to foster innovation and collaboration, supporting new projects and labs and advancing existing ones. Join us. All are welcome.

If you want to discuss possible code contributions or are interested in becoming a founding member, please visit LF Decentralized Trust. Help us build better together.

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