Developer Showcase Series: Harsh Multani, Blockchain Developer, Siemens

Developer Showcase Series: Harsh Multani, Blockchain Developer, Siemens

Back to our Developer Showcase Series to learn what developers in the real world are doing with Hyperledger technologies. Next up is Harsh Multani, a Hyperledger Mentorship alumnus and, now, Blockchain Developer at Siemens. (Read about Harsh’s mentorship project, Hyperledger Fabric – Hyperledger Aries Integration to support Fabric as blockchain ledger, here.)

Give a bit of background on what you’re working on and how you got into blockchain

I am currently chasing my Masters from FAU Erlangen in Germany while simultaneously functioning as a Blockchain Developer at Siemens in Munich. I am working to establish platforms that would secure private credentials (various types of identity cards) of individuals using blockchain and cryptography. Through this technology I have also developed systems that would allow for password-less login into websites. 

From my college days, I have been a tech aficionado and have explored technologies through various hackathons, conferences, meetups, etc. One evening in the year 2018, when glancing through technical stories, I got to know about this stunning tech that can enable trust in the internet. Thus started my journey in blockchains. Since then, I have developed systems using Ethereum, Polygon, Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Indy, etc.

How are you involved in the Hyperledger community?

I have contributed to two Hyperledger projects. One is a realization of an endorser protocol to Aries Cloud-agent Python and the other is an amalgamation of Hyperledger Aries to support Hyperledger Fabric as a ledger. Furthermore, I have been a speaker at Hyperledger Mentorship Showcase events, explaining the potential of these functionalities to business domain experts. I also actively take part in various Hyperledger Special Interest Groups (SIG).

Why did you choose to become involved?

Open Source platforms are very captivating when you go through the code base. I have traversed these libraries by venturing inside their code (by going inside 20 - 25 files of a library). This observation has helped me understand how the blockchain works from the core, making me eager to contribute regularly.

Tell us about your experience contributing to the Hyperledger community.

It is an enjoyable experience to work with the community. The meetings are conducted in an extremely chilled out fashion. These were short in time and specific according to the need of the hour. The code quality of the team was outstanding. There were always curious ideas being discussed in these meetings.

How can others get involved?

It's simple to get involved. You can join any Hyperledger SIG calls, communicate with the team and ask for work. That's it.

What is the best piece of developer advice you’ve ever received?

To TEST, TEST and TEST every functionality of the project after you have made changes in that.

What technology could you not live without?

As a developer - LINUX. As a normal human being - The INTERNET

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