Developer Showcase Series: Daniel Szego, Independent DLT Architect

Developer Showcase Series: Daniel Szego, Independent DLT Architect

Back to our Developer Showcase Series to learn what developers in the real world are doing with Hyperledger technologies. Next up is Daniel Szego, Independent DLT Architect. 

Give a bit of background on what you’re working on and how you got into blockchain

I changed to blockchain about 5+ years ago, focusing on different topics. On the one hand, I am active in the Hyperledger community and focus on consortium ledger applications. On the other hand, I sometimes take Solidity projects as well. They usually focus on more public use cases. I am especially fascinated by the financial use cases of blockchain, both in the public space, like stablecoins or DeFi, and in the more regulated financial world of CBDCs or tokenized securities. These are the use cases that are likely to work the most. However, as an independent architect, sometimes I simply have to take the project that comes. 

How are you involved in the Hyperledger community?

When I started working in blockchain 5+ years ago, Hyperledger was the most open blockchain community focusing on enterprise blockchain applications, so I simply started organizing meetups, making presentations, writing blogs and coding. I must say Hyperledger is still the most open community focusing strongly on enterprise blockchains. Other enterprise ledger initiatives somehow remain either close source or at least strongly “closed” in mindset.

Why did you choose to become involved?

I wanted to have more competence and knowledge in the enterprise blockchain field and Hyperledger was the most open community.

Tell us about your experience contributing to the Hyperledger community.

Very good, I must say. Every contribution is very well welcomed.

Why is contributing important?

These fields, like blockchain or enterprise blockchains, are so complex that they can be evolved only as a result of open-source, worldwide contribution.

What developments are you most excited about?

I am most excited about the financial use cases, like DeFi in the open blockchain world, or CBDC, deposit tokens or tokenized financial securities in the more regulated financial world.

How can others get involved?

The best way to start is to participate in meetups. Usually there is plenty of advice for contributions from meetup organizers. As a second step, I would advise choosing a platform to start with. Download it and start experimenting and contributing source code.

What is the best piece of developer advice you’ve ever received?

0011010010110111000110 🙂

What technology could you not live without?

Mobile phone probably

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