Kaleido works with Hyperledger Foundation to advance Hyperledger FireFly

Kaleido works with Hyperledger Foundation to advance Hyperledger FireFly

Read the full case study here.

Founded in 2017, Kaleido started with the mission of making blockchain and digital assets simple for organizations to adopt. If enterprises didn’t have to reinvent basic solutions, they could shift their development costs to the business logic for their use cases. That could mean millions more dollars focused on what matters most to companies.

But designing a solution to reduce both the time and cost required to get a blockchain app into production was only half the battle. The rest of the challenge: generating enough adoption to really push enterprise blockchain adoption forward.

Kaleido’s Blockchain Business Cloud was designed to reduce both the time and cost required to get a blockchain app into production. That was great for Kaleido’s clients. But other organizations were still struggling. So Kaleido made the decision to open source the solution, and Hyperledger Foundation was the clear choice as the home for the code base. It was  accepted as a Hyperledger Lab called FireFly in June, 2021.  

After entering the Lab, the community of contributors and supporters grew. And in September 2021, Hyperledger FireFly became an official Hyperledger Project. The Kaleido team and the rest of the community then set to work getting it ready for production use. By April 2022, Hyperledger FireFly 1.0 was ready for release with version 1.1 coming shortly after in September 2022. 

With this development work, Hyperledger FireFly is now the first open source Supernode. The community has built out a full tech stack for enterprises to build, deploy, and scale Web3 applications up to 50-100x faster and with savings of 90% or more on development costs.

While serving as maintainers helping to drive the development of Hyperledger FireFly, the Kaleido team was also engaging with the community as a Hyperledger Foundation member. Through its active involvement, Kaleido has been able to reach thousands of enterprise blockchain builders, increase awareness in this key community, and land new opportunities and customers for its business.

The Hyperledger Foundation team worked with Kaleido on a case study that tells the story of Hyperledger FireFly, including the decision to contribute the code base, the journey from lab to project and the market needs it is addressing. The case study also details the work Kaleido has done to build a contributor community for Hyperledger FireFly and the ways it has leveraged member benefits to increase adoption and visibility for the both project and itself as a company. 

Read the full case study here.

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