2023: A year of collaboration and achievement

Before diving into the promise of a new year, it’s always valuable to look back on what we’ve accomplished in this journey around the sun. 2023 has been a fulfilling year for our foundation with an amazingly active global community. And that community is the key to the growth of Hyperledger technologies and enterprise blockchain adoption and our goal of Building Better Together.
If you want to dive deeper into the work going on across Hyperledger Foundation and the Hyperledger ecosystem, please check out:
Workshops - In 2023, we conducted 17 workshops across multiple project communities with close to 5,000 workshop registrations. Our most popular workshop, “How Hyperledger Technologies Can Help Build Central Bank Digital Currencies,” was followed by workshops on DApps, NFTs, Atomic Cross-Ledger Transactions and more!
Webinars - Our member webinar series continues to be an inspiration to all builders out there. With 17 in-depth webinars from our member community, we saw a 60% increase in attendance from the previous year and a 25% increase in opt-in leads for our members.
Events - In-person events are the heart of the industry and a fantastic way to meet many of you! Davos, Consensus, Money2020, Open Source Summits, Digital Currency Conference, WebX-Japan, Sibos and Singapore Fintech Festival are just some of the places where you found our community speaking and telling the world about how they are building better together with Hyperledger technologies.
Meetups - Our global meetup community is now over 100K strong across 186 groups in 85 countries! As our global community grows, we are proud to have offered content in seven additional languages. ありがとう | Obrigado | Gracias | Merci | Danke ++ to everyone who contributes and makes our foundation truly global!
Regional Chapters - Regional growth of our developer community makes us stronger. And our regional chapters in 2023 are a highlight in local community engagement. Our Brazil Chapter (Olá meus amigos!) was the most active in meetups and activities in 2023, with India (with 20% growth in members this year alone!), Japan and LatinoAmerica following suit. We are honored to support our regional chapter leaders and thank them all for their contributions and support.
SIGs - Activity by special interest groups continues to provide value within our developer community with industry-wide use cases across Climate, Telecom and more. In 2023, the Identity SIG became the go to place for all things Identity inside and outside the Hyperledger community with the Identity Implementers Calls. In addition, this year we saw a fantastic effort by the Supply Chain and Trade Finance SIG with their publishing of their Hyperledger in Action – Supply Chain & Trade Finance ebook.
Announcements - Community growth and momentum is consistent with the market for enterprise blockchain. You can see that in our ongoing announcements about new members (a Big welcome once again to our 20 new members!), project new (Congrats to the Hyperledger Cacti and FireFly maintainers for achieving Graduation!) and much more in our regular momentum press releases.
Case studies - Our case studies continue to be an outlet for educating the market on the benefits of blockchain and showing how our Members are bringing value to their markets with Hyperledger technologies. This year we published five in-depth case studies with quantifiable improvement in processes, including:
- Hitachi increased contract management by 20%, saving 1,225 hours per month.
- Trust Your Supplier reduced aggregated supplier screening time by more than 100 hours, saving $2.5M; increased quality assessments by 26%; and reduced performance audits by 50%, saving an additional $2.1M. One customer reduced supplier onboarding cycle time from 25.4 hours to 4.5 hours, or 82%, saving $1.5M.
- DLT Freight and Walmart reported dispute resolution processes down from more than 70% to less than two percent annually.
Use case tracker - Launched in 2023, our searchable tracker lets you explore 180+ use cases (and counting) built with Hyperledger technologies.
Project matrix - Another resource introduced this year, the project matrix makes it easier to identify Hyperledger distributed ledger technologies, understand their differences and determine how you want to use them.
YouTube channel - The Hyperledger YouTube channel reached the milestone of 2 million views in 2023 and serves as a treasure trove of insightful and cutting-edge content. It offers a rich array of videos that delve into the complexities of blockchain technology, featuring expert discussions, tutorials, and industry updates. Our channel has become a go-to resource for both beginners and seasoned professionals looking to stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in the blockchain world.
In the last Technical Oversight Committee meeting of the year, in addition to announcing our 2024 TOC elected members (welcome and a big thank you to our outgoing TOC reps!), our TOC Chair Tracy Kuhrt went through a summary of everything that the TOC has accomplished this year. It is a nice recap of all the efforts that have been going into supporting the community and helping create a healthy ecosystem around all of Hyperledger's projects and labs. To listen, the summary starts about 36 minutes into the recording.
Now, onward to a 2024 of Building Better Together!