Weekend Update: This Week’s Round-up of Remote Blockchain Learning Resource

Welcome to the Weekend Update. Our goal with this weekly post is to share quick updates about online education, networking and collaboration opportunities and resources for the open source enterprise blockchain community. 

If you have suggestions for resources or events that we should spotlight in a future Weekend Update, let us know here using #HLWeekendUpdate. 

Hyperledger Global Forum (June 8-10) 

Hyperledger Global Forum, the premier virtual enterprise blockchain event of 2021, is next week. The agenda just gets more and more packed. New additions to the schedule include:

  • A fireside chat with Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, and Hyperledger’s Brian Behlendorf on the future of Ethereum and how it relates to the enterprise
  • A keynote panel on using blockchain in the battle against climate change with Dr. Martin Wainstein, Executive Director​ Open Earth Foundation, Yale Open Innovation Lab and Hyperledger Climate Action SIG​; Dr. Andreas Kind, Head of Cybersecurity Technology, Siemens, and Veronica Garcia, CEO, Bitlumens

Use the discount code HGF21WKNDR for 50% off Hyperledger Global Forum registration. Go here to register.

Networking at Hyperledger Global Forum 

In addition to 100+ sessions taking place over three days in two segments each day, spaced across time zones, Hyperledger Global Forum includes a dedicated networking platform and daily themes for networking breaks.  

Hyperledger Training and Certification Discount

Hyperledger and Linux Foundation training have teamed up to offer 50% off the list price of Hyperledger training and certifications during the month of June!

Go here and use code HGF2021 at checkout to receive your discount.

ESGI Blockchain Day – June 8

Hyperledger’s Brian Behlendorf will offer his take on the current state of Hyperledger products and enterprise blockchain during this one day event that is part of the Blockchain Master’s program at ESGI. 

Tune in here at 3:30 pm CEST on Tuesday, June 8, to catch his talk on Twitch.

A guide to building and deploying Hyperledger Fabric on the Azure Cloud Platform

Linux Foundation Training recently published part 1 and part 2 in the series “Build and Deploy Hyperledger Fabric on Azure Cloud Platform.” 

Virtual Meetups – Coming up after Hyperledger Global Forum

See the full Virtual Meetup schedule here.

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