Weekend Update: This Week’s Round-up of Remote Blockchain Learning Resources

Welcome to the Weekend Update. Our goal with this weekly post is to share quick updates about online education, networking and collaboration opportunities and resources for the open source enterprise blockchain community. 

If you have suggestions for resources or events that we should spotlight in a future Weekend Update, let us know here using #HLWeekendUpdate. 

Hyperledger Capital Markets Special Interest Group Guest Speakers:  Sara Garifullina, Zilya Yagafarova and Makoto Takemiya, SORAMITSU

Dial into the Capital Markets SIG meeting for a presentation on Bakong, the Cambodian Digital Currency based on Hyperledger Iroha. One of the most significant recent events in the area of digital currencies happened in Cambodia with the release of “Bakong.” Hear all about Bakong from the visionaries behind it.

For more information on the meeting, which is Wednesday, January 13, 2021, at 10:00 AM EST, go here. Dial-in details are here.

LFX Insights Webinar

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to leverage data-driven LFX Insights for a 360° of your project to ensure you make informed decisions about your project’s performance beyond the code. Shubhra Kar from the Linux Foundation will share details on how to use this tool to identify bottlenecks in your development lifecycle, track individual and organization contributions, and get key telemetry to analyze technical and ecosystem trends to grow and sustain your project ecosystem.

Tune in on Thursday, January 14, at 9:00 am PST. For more information and to register, go here.

Virtual Meetups

See the full Virtual Meetup schedule here.

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