Weekend Update: This Week’s Round-up of Remote Blockchain Learning Resources

Welcome to the Weekend Update. Our goal with this weekly post is to share quick updates about online education, networking and collaboration opportunities and resources for the open source enterprise blockchain community. 

If you have suggestions for resources or events that we should spotlight in a future Weekend Update, let us know here using #HLWeekendUpdate. 

Webinar: Tackling Scalability and Moving into Production

While DLTs are no longer a mystery to most enterprises, we still have not yet figured out how to build and scale production grade projects. It is easy to build a POC, but moving to the real world with real customers is a whole different issue. Moreover, the young age of the DLT space shows in lack of tooling. In this webinar, experts from Simbachain will explain how to use SIMBA, a smart contract as a service and blockchain innovation platform to rapidly design, build and scale production DLT applications using Hyperledger Fabric. The centerpiece of the presentation will be a live demo.

Tune on Wednesday, October 7, at 10:00 am EDT. For more information and to register, go here.

Case Study: American Association of Insurance Services’ regulatory data solution, openIDL  

Learn more about how AAIS aligned insurers and regulators with the Hyperledger Fabric-based openIDL data reporting network in this new case study.

Virtual Meetups

See the full Virtual Meetup schedule here

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