Minifabric: A Hyperledger Fabric Quick Start Tool (with Video Guides)

Hyperledger Fabric is the clear leader in permission based blockchain frameworks. It has become the de facto standard for enterprise blockchain platforms. Its performance and data privacy capabilities are second to none in the very crowded blockchain fields. However, its powerful capabilities come with some challenges in its deployments, implementations and understanding, especially for those who are used to other blockchain systems such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. 

It does not have to be that way. With the right tooling, one can easily deploy Fabric networks, learn how Fabric works, understand the life cycles of Fabric artifacts and become an expert as a Fabric network administrator or chaincode developer. With these goals in mind, I created a tool named Minifabric that allows you to easily setup a Fabric network, expand your network, install and upgrade your own chaincode, invoke transactions, inspect your ledger, and change configurations of your channel. By going through these tasks using Minifabric, you can gain valuable skills and a complete understanding of Hyperledger Fabric.

Minifabric comes as a 10-line bash script (for Linux and OS X) or 30-line batch script (for Windows) and is available on under Apache 2 license. You can get started with Minifabric to start your Hyperledger Fabric journey by simply following this README. To further aid the people using Minifabric, I’ve also made a series of videos to demonstrate how you can accomplish various tasks.

  1. Quick Start

Introduction to Minifabric, how to stand up Fabric network and clean up

  1. Channels

How to create channels, join peers to channels, inspect and change channel configuration

  1. Chaincode

How to work with Chaincode including install, approve, commit, upgrade, invoke and query

  1. Policy and Organizations

How to inspect and change endorsement policies, how to bring in new organizations and how to work with private data collections

  1. Artifacts and VSCode Fabric Extension

How to use VSCode Fabric extension to work with a production like Fabric network. Minifabric creates many files that help Fabric SDK users easily connect to a Fabric network. 

  1. Inside Minifabric

How Minifabric executes various commands and how Minifabric is able to always keep up with the latest Fabric. Discusses how Minifabric was designed and implemented, its commands and parameters.

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