Introducing the Hyperledger Smart Contract Working Group

Welcome to the Hyperledger Smart Contract Working Group!

The Smart Contracts WG will define concepts regarding smart contracts and produce materials to describe the various aspects and meanings, trying to come up to standards or best practices. The audience for smart contracts is large and spans from researchers, developers, businessmen, decision makers, policy makers, law makers, software users, citizens to governments, banks, financial institutions, insurance providers, etc.

The Smart Contract WG will have two main areas of focus with underlying topics of interest for each.

Technology-oriented focus:

  • Models of and mechanism for computation
  • Formal guarantees on outputs of smart contracts
  • Smart contract packaging, code reuse, and dependency auditing
  • Generation of smart contracts from existing artifacts (natural language, business process, state machines, non smart-contract code)
  • Data structures and state
  • Privacy
  • Tooling and compilers for existing virtual machines
  • Design Patterns for Smart Contracts
  • Upgradeability of smart contracts

Law-oriented focus:

  • Smart contracts as representatives of obligations and fulfillment
  • Smart contracts law enforcement cascading actions

Participation is open to everyone in the community. The WG has an open email list, a chat  channel, and a wiki page. Meeting details, meeting notes, and documentation are accessible to everyone in the community. The following resources are available:

If you’re interested in joining, please subscribe to the mailing list and join the Chat channel where meeting details will be announced. Hyperledger has several other very active community Working Groups, learn about all of them here. You also can find a list of other community meetings on the Hyperledger Community calendar.

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