Keynote Sneak Peek for Hyperledger Global Forum – See Who’s Speaking

Check Out the Initial Lineup of Blockchain Leaders Speaking at Hyperledger Global Forum.

Attend Hyperledger Global Forum to see real uses of distributed ledger technologies for business and to learn how these innovative technologies run live in production networks across the globe today. Hyperledger Global Forum will cut through the hype and focus on adoption. Attendees will see first-hand how the largest organizations in the world go beyond experimentation to lead blockchain production applications with measurable impact. Make your plans now to attend the premier blockchain event of 2018.

Keynote Speakers Include:

  • Alexis Gauba, Co-Founder, Mechanism Labs and She(256); R&D, Blockchain at Berkeley; R&D, ThunderCore
  • Leanne Kemp, Founder & CEO, Everledger
  • Bruce Schneier, Fellow and Lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School

Stay tuned. We will announce additional keynote speakers as well as the full agenda later this month!

What makes attending Hyperledger Global Forum so valuable?

  • Live Demos & Roadmaps: Get an inside look at live demos and roadmaps showing how the biggest names in financial services, healthcare, supply chain and more are integrating Hyperledger technologies for commercial, production deployments.
  • Collaboration & Leading Experts: Collaborate face-to-face, network, and learn directly from leading experts and project maintainers on how to better your skills with blockchain, DLTs and smart contracts.
  • Gain Knowledge: Learn how to leverage and adopt DLT and smart contracts technologies when the market demands, contribute code and documentation, increase your blockchain development skills, and keep up-to-date with these leading technologies. Get an understanding of the Hyperledger greenhouse of multiple blockchain projects, how they differ from alternative ledger platforms, and how products and services built with Hyperledger technologies can scale in highly regulated, enterprise-level environments.
  • Hands-on Workshops: Learn how to install, contribute to, and build products and services on top of Hyperledger open source business blockchain frameworks.

Register now to save before ticket prices increase on September 30.



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