Kicking off the Hyperledger Public Sector Working Group

Today, we’re thrilled to officially announce the new Hyperledger Public Sector Working Group!

The Public Sector WG will focus on analyzing the space of enterprise blockchain and how the technology can be applied to the public sector. This includes identifying critical components for citizen stories and government use cases, providing in-depth reports and proposals for the application of Hyperledger frameworks to solve identified problems in the domain. We hope that the participants will be able to collaborate on products, which may include gathering identified user/citizen stories and various ways blockchain can help in implementing both global and local solutions.

We have created a survey to identify particular topics of interest to the group. If you would like to participate, please fill in the survey as much as relevant to you. We will then have a much better sense of our group composition, areas of desired focus, and early planning for the Hyperledger Global Forum later on this year.

Participation is open to everyone in the community. The WG has an open email list, a Rocket.Chat channel, and a wiki page. The meetings take place every second friday at 7AM PST. Meeting details, meeting notes, and documentation are accessible to everyone in the community. The following resources are available:

If you’re interested in joining, please subscribe to the mailing list and join the Rocket.Chat channel where meeting details will be announced. Hyperledger has several other very active community Working Groups, learn about all of them here. You also can find a list of other community meetings on the Hyperledger Community calendar.

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