[VIDEO] Hyperledger Interviews Anton Govor, Managing Director of Strategy, Moscow Exchange

We had the chance to connect with Anton Govor, Managing Director of Strategy at Moscow Exchange Group, to learn more about his vision for blockchain technologies and why they joined Hyperledger as a general member.

Moscow Exchange operates trading markets in equities, bonds, derivatives, the foreign exchange market, money markets and precious metals. It also operates Russia’s Central Securities Depository (National Settlement Depository) and the clearing service provider (National Clearing Centre).

Moscow Exchange realized that blockchain enabled technologies will be one of the largest opportunities and threats for the financial services industry. Their key motivation to joining Hyperledger stemmed from their understanding that blockchain is a global business, and to successfully build up these technologies, they need to be closely connected to an international community. In determining Hyperledger versus the other alternatives, they ultimately chose Hyperledger because Moscow Exchange Group believes open source platforms will win in the end over closed proprietary software.

Building on Hyperledger Fabric, Moscow Exchange has developed pilots for e-voting and commercial papers, as well as a confidentiality add-on for the financial services industry. Check out Moscow Exchange in the Hyperledger Vendor Directory.

Please enjoy and share Anton’s full interview below!

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