LF Decentralized Trust - Webinars

Hyperledger FireFly 1.0 is here! Build full-stack Web3 apps faster with FireFly SuperNodes – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Admin | Apr 13, 2022 7:00:00 AM
Steve Cerveny, Founder and CEO, Kaleido
Sophia Lopez, Founder and COO, Kaleido
Nicko Guyer, Senior Full Stack Engineer, Kaleido
Kyle Culver, Director, Emerging Technologies at Humana & Co-founder, Synaptic Health Alliance
Patrick Schmid, Vice President, The Institutes RiskStream Collaborative

April 13, 2022
7:00am to 8:00am PST (UTC-7)


It’s no secret that building Web3 apps is hard. There are protocols to master, new constructs like tokens and smart contracts to understand, and then the challenge of integrating it all with existing systems, which may be the hardest part of all. 

That’s why our community created Hyperledger FireFly, the first open-source Supernode: a complete stack for enterprises to build and scale secure Web3 applications. 

Watch this webinar to learn more about Hyperledger FireFly version 1.0, now  generally available and ready for production use! 

We were joined by two leads from major industry blockchain consortia, Kyle Culver, Director of Emerging Technologies at Humana and Co-founder of the Synaptic Health Alliance, as well as Patrick Schmid, Vice President of the Institutes RiskStream Collaborative who discussed how Hyperledger FireFly helps enterprises:

  • Accelerate Development – build Web3 apps faster with a rich stack of native Web3, B2B, and integration services
  • Automate Deployment – deploy and manage many apps on the FireFly platform from a single console
  • Run at Scale – Connect to the multi-chain and multi-protocol Web3 world on a scalable, cloud-native platform built as microservices on Kubernetes 

In this webinar there is also a live demo showing how easy it is to get up and running on FireFly.

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