LF Decentralized Trust - Webinars

End-to-end Pork Meat Traceability with Unilever - A Live Enterprise Production Use Case on Hyperledger Sawtooth – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Admin | Mar 23, 2020 7:00:00 AM
Ricardo Garcia, Head of Partnerships & Blockchain Advisory at ScanTrust March 23, 2020
7:00 AM Pacific (UTC-7)

Ricardo presents an implementation of a project of ScanTrust and Unilever. The presentation covers the following aspects:

  • Why was the project started and what was the motivation
  • What technology was used and what’s the architecture
  • How did the operational implementation work
  • Live demonstration of the product
  • Challenges faced in project

This project is a real implementation that goes beyond a proof-of-concept and is in production with real users. It’s a great showcase to discuss, how we can bring more enterprise blockchain use cases into production to increase the adoption of blockchain solutions in general.

Slides: https://www.hyperledger.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/ScanTrustWebinar.pdf