Case Studies | LF Decentralized Trust

How BondEvalue launched the world’s first fractional bond exchange with Hyperledger Sawtooth

Written by Hyperledger Foundation | Jul 18, 2023 10:03:00 PM

As many industries struggled to find their footing amid the aggressive headwinds caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the global bond market has managed to thrive.

With near-zero interest rates implemented worldwide to ease the financial burdens caused by the coronavirus, the demand for bonds soared with global bond issuances increasing 16% in 2020, according to S&P Global. By the third quarter of 2020, the International Capital Market Association valued the international bond market at a whopping $128.3 trillion.

But for those interested in investing in international bonds, the bond markets in Asia and Europe are particularly hard to break into for two reasons: high investment thresholds and lack of electronic infrastructure.

In the international bond markets, the minimum investment is $200,000. “This makes it inaccessible for even fairly wealthy people,” says Rajaram Kannan, co-founder and CTO of BondEvalue, a Singapore-based fintech company that focuses on Asian bond markets. Typically, only those who have $5 million or above can afford to diversify their portfolio, and they pour about one-third of their wealth into bonds.

But there are roughly 500 million people who are categorized as “HENRY”-s, or high earners not rich yet, who have assets that range from $100,000 to $1 million. This new class of investors is eager to expand their portfolio, yet they find the bond market impenetrable because of the high barrier to entry. “As a result, the liquidity in the bond markets is not even comparable to where the other capital markets are,” says Kannan. “The opportunity for growth is immense.”

Even when investors have the means to invest in the bond market, managing bonds can also be a challenge. “One of the pain points in the bond markets is that the trading still happens over phone calls,” explains Kannan. “If you’re a bond investor who wants to buy or sell bonds, you have to call up your relationship manager in your bank or brokerage and go from there. The workflows are not entirely electronic.” Another pain point in the bond market is the extra costs that accrue because of the number of intermediaries involved between the end investor and the actual market. Everyone takes their cut.

Until now! The team at BondEvalue recognized the need to upend the global bond market and create a modern infrastructure that makes managing bonds faster, more accessible, and more technologically advanced.

“At BondEvalue, our vision was a solution where investors can actually trade bonds on the go from a brokerage app just like they can trade in equity,” says Kannan.

In November 2019, BondEvalue launched the BondbloX Bond Exchange, replacing the traditional over-the-counter trading experience with the world’s first fully regulated blockchain-based bond exchange that allows consumers to instantaneously and transparently trade bonds in smaller denominations of $1,000 each.

Fully licensed and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore as a Recognized Market Operator, the BondbloX Bond Exchange operates under a strategic partnership with Northern Trust, which is the global custodian partner for the exchange. Together they deliver integrated asset servicing and digital ownership of fractionalized fixed income bonds on a permissioned blockchain network. And from the beginning, the BondbloX Bond Exchange has attracted powerful players in the financial sphere who have signed on as launch partners such as UOB Kay Hian, one of the largest brokerage firms in Singapore.

“Asian bonds remain attractive to local and regional investors despite the global uncertainty and market downturn, and we are confident that this partnership will provide customers access to new sources of returns and opportunities to build a more diversified portfolio,” says Wilhem Lee, Senior Executive Director at UOB Kay Hian.

“We believe BondbloX will be an industry game changer,” says BondEvalue founder and CEO Rahul Banerjee. “Once investors have experienced BondbloX, they will take to online bond trading with the same fervor they do for equity trading.”