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The Hyperledger Global Forum Community Fair: Where to connect with people who share your interests – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Hyperledger | Aug 9, 2022 7:37:28 AM

It has been over two years since we had a chance to get together in person and connect with Hyperledger community members from all over the world. Since Hyperledger Global Forum 2020, there have been hundreds of opportunities to meet online in calls and during virtual events, but those virtual interactions are just not the same as connecting with someone in real life.

The “hallway track” of a conference – the time in between sessions and other parts of the formal schedule where you walk around and meet new people and reconnect with friends and colleagues – is often people’s favorite part of an event. This informal opportunity to engage is what has been so hard to reproduce virtually (the Zoom breakout rooms, 2D and 3D online spaces and other attempts were worth trying but just aren’t as effective) so we are really looking forward to this part of Hyperledger Global Forum (HGF) this year.

To help people connect at HGF (#HyperledgerForum), we’re trying something that has been used in community events that Mozilla has run in the past. These community events were helpful in bringing people with similar interests together. For instance, you may be really interested in what is happening with blockchain in the telecom industry or you may want to speak in Spanish to someone about what is going on with deployments in Latin America, but you don’t know who to speak with as you’re walking around the event.

In order to help you find the right people to connect with, we’ll be setting up a Community Fair in the Expo Hall. The Fair will have a series of table tops manned by people from different parts of the community who are interested in meeting and talking with you. This will include people from our Special Interest Groups who are implementing Hyperledger projects in a range of different industries, people from our Regional Communities who are traveling in from all over the world, and people from our Working Groups who are exploring technical questions about distributed ledgers.

The goal of HGF is to create an event where community members from around the world can meet, align, plan and hack together in person. The sessions, workshops and other parts of the formal agenda will be very useful to help you do just that. We hope that the Community Fair will be another great addition to the formal part of the agenda.

Groups planning to participate in the Community Fair:

Regional Chapters

  • Brazil Chapter
  • India Chapter
  • Latinoamerica Chapter
  • Japan Chapter

Special Interest Groups

  • Climate Action and Accounting SIG
  • Telecom SIG
  • Financial Markets SIG
  • Media and Entertainment SIG

Working Groups

  • Learning Materials Development WG
  • Performance and Scale WG
  • Identity WG

Community Events

  • Hyperledger Challenge winner

Registration details for HGF are here. We hope you’ll join us and make the most of the Community Fair. Its goal is to make it easier for our community members to make valuable connections and find people and resources that align with their interests and needs, regardless of where they are in their enterprise blockchain journey.

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