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MineHub and KrypC Leverage the Power of Hyperledger Fabric 2.2 to Transform Mining and Metals Supply Chain – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Hyperledger | Dec 14, 2021 6:35:00 AM

Read the full case study here.

Nearly 1.8 trillion USD of metals and minerals move across the world every year from mines, through ports, along transport lines, to processing plants and, ultimately, to the end users. This chain includes hundreds of companies making millions of transactions. Many of these still use manual processes—actual or digital—that require staff resources to process.

MineHub wanted to create a decentralized collaboration platform to solve this problem. The company envisioned a solution that would transform the supply chain workflows and processes for the mining and metals industry. Its solution wouldn’t just improve the practical day-to-day operations. Once in place, this robust, agile platform would help users mitigate damage from unpredictable global disruptions, reduce costs and make more profit due to higher efficiencies and end-to-end visibility of their data.

MineHub was setting out to connect hundreds of companies — from large, international corporations to small, local businesses. Each of these organizations would have unique needs and requirements. To deliver this platform, MineHub realized it needed the power of Private Data Collections (PDCs) that became available with Hyperledger Fabric 2. PDCs deliver critical functionality for bringing together a large group of diverse companies with differing needs and commercial interests and allowing them to exchange business critical data in a secure, private, and scalable manner. They would also need the flexibility to add new organizations and manage them dynamically.

Enter KrypC, a company that understands enterprises that want to work together across interconnected workflows need a single version of truth and that blockchain technology can provide this. From the beginning, KrypC has been focused on leveraging Hyperledger Fabric to build technologies that help enterprises adopt and develop blockchain solutions. The team there was working towards addressing the very challenges MineHub was looking to solve through its Hyperledger Fabric layer 2 platform, KrypCore. After a few discussions, it became clear a partnership between them made sense.

KrypC’s configurable KrypCore platform offers the agility to quickly create and add new functionalities to a decentralized system and to deploy them seamlessly in smart contracts. KrypCore offers a unique and unrivalled approach to performing asynchronous system updates and upgrades amongst a wide variety of users operating on entirely different IT infrastructures. 

With their toolsets, KrypC is able to offer users of decentralized applications a seamless solution to manage security updates and enable rapid addition of new features. By solving for this challenge, MineHub was able to redirect their focus on the user functionality and business value they wanted to unlock for its customers.

Hyperledger Foundation worked with KrypC and Minehub on a case study that details the business and technical challenges of building a platform that connects thousands of companies of diverse sizes without prior relationships and the roles each company plays in the solution. In addition, the case study delves into why and how the release of Hyperledger Fabric 2.2 was key to getting the MineHub to market and what comes next for the supply chain platform.

Read the full case study here.