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Weekend Update: This Week’s Round-up of Remote Blockchain Learning Resources – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Hyperledger | Oct 15, 2021 1:30:00 PM

Welcome to the Weekend Update. Our goal with this weekly post is to share quick updates about online education, networking and collaboration opportunities and resources for the open source enterprise blockchain community. 

If you have suggestions for resources or events that we should spotlight in a future Weekend Update, let us know here using #HLWeekendUpdate. 

Hyperledger In-depth: An hour with Ledger Leopard

Say goodbye to your double administration, balance reconciliation, and lost items! In this webinar, Olivier Rikken of Ledger Leopard will share details about a production supply chain traceability deployment. RTI Blockchain is an online platform where all types of “Reusable Transport Items” such as pallets, crates, and roll containers used by retailers can quickly be registered and exchanged between connected parties in the logistic process. RTI Blockchain provides an overview of all packaging bearing registration in one place, with one tool as a service. With the use of blockchain technology, all participants of the supply chains are linked, have real-time insights in their packaging data, and can share information privately and transparently.

Tune in on Wednesday, October 20, at 8:00 AM EDT. For more information and to register, go here.

Hyperledger Telecom Special Interest Group Guest Presentation: Blockchain Data Coordination and Incentives in P2P Networks
Join the Telecom SIG for a talk by Dr. Owen Vaughan and Dr. Alexandru Paunoiu from nChain on “Blockchain Data Coordination and Incentives in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks.” Data distribution in P2P networks is a well-studied concept in the literature, with Gnutella being an example of a network offering such services. They can be analyzed from multiple perspectives such as performance, topology, and incentives. In their work, these presenters are focused on incentivizing data distribution with economic rewards. A lack of economic incentives can lead to P2P networks having difficulty scaling. The solution they propose uses a blockchain as a coordinator of P2P networks in order to add economic incentives for data transfers and remove the problem of Sybil attacks.

The discussion will also cover the emergence of high performance public blockchains over the last two years. These are characterized by high transaction volume, low fees, and data storage capability. Additionally, the talk will touch on different approaches and their challenges from a telecommunications viewpoint. Such blockchains are good candidates for a coordinator of other P2P networks.

For more information on the meeting, which is Thursday, October 21, at 9:00 AM PDT, go here.

Virtual Meetups 

See the full Virtual Meetup schedule here