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Hyperledger Latinoamerica, a New Regional Chapter – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Andrew Bringaze | Sep 21, 2020 9:00:23 AM

Hyperledger Latinoamerica is a new regional chapter for 20 countries bound together by common language and similar culture. Spanish is the world’s third most widely spoken native language after Mandarin Chinese and Hindi, with 450 million speakers spread over three continents: North, Central and South America, Spain, and Equatorial Guinea in Africa.

Our goals as a chapter are to promote adoption of Hyperledger projects, engage users and developers, foster regional contributions, and provide a platform for learning, training and collaboration on blockchain and DLT ecosystems.

Hyperledger Latinoamerica began with eight Hyperledger Meetup communities in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Ciudad de Mexico and Mérida in Mexico, and Panamá. It is open to all meetups worldwide, as well as SIGs, WGs, and other Hyperledger communities.

After two months of planning guided by David Boswell, the chapter  launched last June 17, and since then it has grown by leaps and bounds. 

We have two series of biweekly meetings, one for panel discussions of general issues and another for use case webinars, with an average monthly attendance of 800. In parallel, two main projects gather wider interest day by day: a free introductory course on Hyperledger Fabric ‘en Español,’ and the translation of Fabric documentation to Spanish.

The free online course “Hyperledger Fabric ‘en Español” began August 20th and lasts 11 sessions. We have an enrollment of 565 participants, and an average attendance of 180 attendees from 28 countries. Ricardo Ruano from Business Blockchain gives this course, together with Bram Dufour and Juan Pablo Ramírez from Grupo Bancolombia. There is a free Certificate of Assistance and a 30% bonus for official certification by the Linux Foundation. 

Our project “Fabric ‘en Español’” is an open source collaboration to create new translations for Hyperledger Fabric documentation. It is coordinated by Claudio Ceballos Paz, with the initial support of David Boswell at Hyperledger, María Teresa Nieto from Telefonica and Anthony O’Dowd from IBM Tiger Team and Enablement. In the first week, we gathered a round of six volunteers. Help us rally more!

Join our chapter. “Juntos podemos lograrlo” – together we can succeed!

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