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Hyperledger Unveils 17 Summer Internship Opportunities – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Hyperledger | Mar 25, 2019 8:55:50 AM

The Hyperledger Summer Internship program is back and bigger than ever for 2019! This year, Hyperledger is offering 17 paid internship opportunities for students who want real world experience advancing open source blockchain technologies.

The line-up of internship projects are each led by active developers in the Hyperledger community and offer a fast path to becoming an active contributor to key blockchain frameworks and tools. This is your chance to:

  • Develop a close working relationship with open source professionals and industry leaders to expand your professional network.
  • Learn open source development infrastructure and tooling first hand by working closely with active developers in the community.
  • Build your resume by doing hands-on opportunity work that advances your academic and professional interests.

Each intern will be  paired with a mentor or mentors who designed the project to address a specific Hyperledger development or research challenge. The mentors will provide regular evaluations and feedback. Interns can work from anywhere, will receive stipends and be invited to travel (with expenses covered) to a Hyperledger event where they will present their work to the community.

This is the third year for the Hyperledger Internship program. It has grown quickly from six projects in the first year to 17 this summer. Many of last year’s interns shared their experiences in a blog post; see what they had to say here.

The application process is now open and the deadline to apply is April 22. You may submit your application here. Read on for descriptions of some of the projects planned for this year.

Hyperledger Caliper Visualization Project

Hyperledger Caliper is a platform for facilitating the execution of user-provided workloads/benchmarks on multiple blockchain platforms in a transparent way. Caliper achieves its flexibility by relying on two configuration files during its execution.

One configuration file describes the test rounds that Caliper must execute, including: the intensity/rate and content of the workload; the deployment of processes that generate the workload; and additional monitoring settings. The other configuration file describes the target blockchain network in detail, at least including the topology of the blockchain network (among other, platform-specific attributes).

The aim of the project is the following:

  • Create a GUI component for Caliper that makes the management of configuration files easier, specifically:
    • Assembling/generating configuration files through the GUI
    • Saving, loading and editing configuration files
    • Providing built-in documentation and tips for the users
  • Visualize in real-time the key performance indicators observed during the execution of a benchmark

IoT and DLT in a Telecom Multi-carriers Architecture Project

The three major characteristics of IoT are mobility, scalability and interoperability that play at three different levels/layers: identity, connectivity and application.

Blockchain and trusted identities enable the true potential of IoT.

Current needs:

  • Trusted IoT identities: enabling connection or communication among entities
  • Scalable connectivity
  • Interoperability of apps

The solutions:

  • Cryptographically secured identity
  • Autonomous provisioning
  • Decentralization

Task 1: 1º PoC

Using Indy to building up an IdM system taking into account the needs of an IoT architecture (mobility, scalability and interoperability) and challenges (access control, privacy, trust and performance).

a – proving basic feasibility and viability

b – proving feasibility with a real system and providing viability

Task 2:

Identify the metrics to measure the performance & scalability of a decentralized IdM for IoT

Task 3: 2º PoC

a – proving scalability to bi- parties (2 carriers) and a large amount of data

c – proving privacy and confidentiality in bi- parties (2 carriers) environment

d – exploring integration with different types of data & contract types

X.509 Certificate Transparency Using Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Project

The security of web communication via the SSL/TLS protocols relies on safe distribution of public keys associated with web domains in the form of X.509 certificates. Certificate authorities (CAs) are trusted third parties that issue these X.509 certificates. However, the CA ecosystem is fragile and prone to compromises.

Leveraging recent advances in blockchain development, we recently proposed a novel system, called CTB (Certificate Transparency using Blockchain), that makes it impossible for a CA to issue a certificate for a domain without obtaining consent from the domain owner (See for a copy of the paper).

CTB (Certificate Transparency using Blockchain) proposes a Hyperledger Fabric (HF) network among the member certification authorities by requiring each certificate authority to play the role of endorsing peers and who belong to different organisations (orgs in HF vocabulary). The aim of this project is to scale up the existing proof-of-concept implementation through several stages:

  1. Development of client application for Certificate Authority organisation and Browser organisation facilitating access to the underlying fabric blockchain network.
  2. Setting up the CTB over cloud.
  3. Chrome extension for browser client application.
  4. Benchmarking CTB-assisted SSL/TLS handshake duration

Read more details on the above projects and many more here. Then check out the eligibility requirements and application steps.

Remember, applications are due by April 22 submit your application here.

If you have any questions, please contact Remember, you can always plug into the Hyperledger community via github, Hyperledger Chat, the wiki or our mailing lists.