This blog post shows how to setup Grafana to display Sawtooth and system statistics.
Grafana is a useful tool for displaying Sawtooth performance statistics. Hyperledger Sawtooth optionally generates performance metrics from the validator and REST API components for a each node. Sawtooth sends the metrics to InfluxDB, a time series database that is optimized for fast access to time series data. Telegraf, a metrics reporting agent, gathers supplemental system information from the Linux kernel and also sends it to InfluxDB. Finally, Grafana reads from the InfluxDB and displays an assortment of statistics on several graphical charts in your web browser. Figure 1 illustrates the flow of data.
Figure 1. Metrics gathering data flow.
Grafana can display many validator, REST API, and system statistics. The following lists all supported metrics:
Sawtooth Validator Metrics
Sawtooth REST API Metrics
System Metrics
The screenshot in Figure 2 gives you an idea of the metrics that Grafana can show.
Figure 2. Example Grafana graph display.
By default, Hyperledger Sawtooth does not gather performance metrics. The rest of this post explains the steps for enabling this feature. The overall order of steps is listed below with in-depth explanations of each step following.
Install Hyperledger Sawtooth software and Docker containers. I recommend Sawtooth 1.1 on Ubuntu 16 LTS (Xenial). Sawtooth installation instructions are here:
The Sawtooth blockchain software must be up and running before you proceed.
Docker CE installation instructions are here:
ProTip: These instructions assume a Sawtooth node is running directly on Ubuntu, not in Docker containers. To use Grafana with Sawtooth on Docker containers, additional steps (not described here) are required to allow the Sawtooth validator and REST API containers to communicate with the InfluxDB daemon at TCP port 8086. |
InfluxDB stores the Sawtooth metrics used in the analysis and graphing. Listing 1 shows the commands to download the InfluxDB Docker container, create a database directory, start the Docker container, and verify that it is running.
sudo docker pull influxdb
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/influx-data
sudo docker run -d -p 8086:8086 \
-v /var/lib/influx-data:/var/lib/influxdb \
-e INFLUXDB_DB=metrics \
-e INFLUXDB_USER="lrdata" \
--name sawtooth-stats-influxdb influxdb
sudo docker ps --filter name=sawtooth-stats-influxdb
Listing 1. Commands to set up InfluxDB.
ProTip: You can change the sample passwords here, pwadmin and pwlrdata, to anything you like. If you do, you must use your passwords in all the steps below. Avoid or escape special characters in your password such as “,@!$” or you will not be able to connect to InfluxDB. |
Grafana displays the Sawtooth metrics in a web browser. Listing 2 shows the commands to download the Sawtooth repository, build the Grafana Docker container, download the InfluxDB Docker container, create a database directory, start the Docker container, start the Grafana container, and verify that everything is running.
git clone
cd sawtooth-core/docker
sudo docker build . -f grafana/sawtooth-stats-grafana \
-t sawtooth-stats-grafana
sudo docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name sawtooth-stats-grafana \
sudo docker ps --filter name=sawtooth-stats-grafana
Listing 2. Commands to set up Grafana.
Building the Grafana Docker container takes several steps and downloads several packages into the container. It ends with “successfully built” and “successfully tagged” messages.
Configure Grafana from your web browser. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ (replace “localhost” with the hostname or IP address of the system where you started the Grafana container in the previous step).
Figure 3. Test success messages in Grafana.
For the older Sawtooth 1.0 release, follow these additional steps to add the Sawtooth 1.0 dashboard to Grafana (skip these steps for Sawtooth 1.1):
$ cp \
sawtooth-core/docker/grafana/dashboards/sawtooth_performance.json .
Or download this file:
$ wget \
Listing 3. Commands for getting the Sawtooth 1.0 dashboard file.
The Sawtooth validator and REST API components each report their own set of metrics, so you must configure the login credentials and destination for InfluxDB. In your terminal window, run the shell commands in Listing 4 to create or update the Sawtooth configuration files validator.toml and rest_api.toml:
for i in /etc/sawtooth/validator.toml /etc/sawtooth/rest_api.toml
[[ -f $i ]] || sudo -u sawtooth cp $i.example $i
echo 'opentsdb_url = "http://localhost:8086"' \
| sudo -u sawtooth tee -a $i
echo 'opentsdb_db = "metrics"' \
| sudo -u sawtooth tee -a $i
echo 'opentsdb_username = "lrdata"' \
| sudo -u sawtooth tee -a $i
echo 'opentsdb_password = "pwlrdata"' \
| sudo -u sawtooth tee -a $i
Listing 4. Commands to create or update Sawooth configuration.
After verifying that the files validator.toml and rest_api.toml each have the four new opentsdb_* configuration lines, restart the sawtooth-validator and sawtooth-rest-api using the commands in Listing 5
sudo -v
sudo -u sawtooth pkill sawtooth-rest-api
sudo -u sawtooth pkill sawtooth-validator
sudo -u sawtooth sawtooth-validator -vvv &
sudo -u sawtooth sawtooth-rest-api -vv &
Listing 5. Manual restart commands.
Add any command line parameters you may use to the above example.
If you use systemctl, Listing 6 shows the commands needed to restart.:
systemctl restart sawtooth-rest-api
systemctl restart sawtooth-validator
Listing 6. Systemctl restart commands.
Protip: The InfluxDB daemon, influxd, listens to TCP port 8086, so this port must be accessible over the local network from the validator and REST API components. By default, influxd only listens to localhost. |
Telegraf, InfluxDB’s metrics reporting agent, gathers metrics information from the Linux kernel to supplement the metrics information sent from Sawtooth. Telegraf needs the login credentials and destination for InfluxDB. Install Telegraf use the commands in Listing 7.
curl -sL \
| sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository \
"deb xenial stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install telegraf
Listing 7. Commands for installing Telegraf.
The commands in Listing 8 set up the Telegraf configuration file correctly.
sudo echo '[[outputs.influxdb]]' \
sudo echo 'urls = ["http://localhost:8086"]' \
sudo echo 'database = "metrics"' \
sudo echo 'username = "lrdata"' \
sudo echo 'password = "pwlrdata"' \
Listing 8. Create the Telegraf configuration file.
Finally restart telegraf with the command in Listing 9.
sudo systemctl restart telegraf
Listing 9. Restart Telegraf.
After completing all the previous steps, Sawtooth and system statics should appear in the Grafana dashboard webpage. To see them, click the orange spiral icon on the top left, then click on “Dashboards” in the drop-down menu, then click on “Home” next to the spiral icon, and then click on “dashboard”. This is the dashboard for Grafana.
Generate some transactions so you can see activity on the Grafana dashboard. For example, run the intkey workload generator by issuing the Listing 10 commands in a terminal window to create test transactions at the rate of 1 batch per second.
intkey-tp-python -v &
intkey workload --rate 1 -d 5
Listing 10. Start the workload generator to get some statistics.
I recommend changing the time interval in the dashboard from 24 hours to something like 30 minutes so you can see new statistics. Do that by clicking on the clock icon in the upper right of the dashboard. Then click on the refresh icon, ♻, to update the page. Individual graphs can be enlarged or shrunk by moving the dotted triangle tab in the lower right of each graph.
$ docker ps --filter name-sawtooth-stats-grafana
$ docker start sawtooth-stats-grafana
$ docker ps --filter name-sawtooth-stats-influxdb
$ docker start sawtooth-stats-influxdb
$ influx -username lrdata -password pwlrdata -port 8086 \
-host localhost
$ curl -sl -I localhost:8086/ping