Guest post: Rohas Nagpal, Primechain Technologies
Financial and capital markets use the KYC (Know Your Customer) system to identify “bad” customers and minimize money laundering, tax evasion, and terrorism financing. Efforts to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism are costing the financial sector billions of dollars. Banks are also exposed to huge penalties for failure to follow KYC guidelines. Costs aside, KYC can delay transactions and lead to duplication of effort between banks.
Blockchain-eKYC is a permissioned Hyperledger Sawtooth blockchain for sharing corporate KYC records amongst banks and other financial institutions.
The records are stored in the blockchain in an encrypted form and can only be viewed by entities that have been “whitelisted” by the issuer entity. This ensures data privacy and confidentiality while at the same time ensuring that records are shared only between entities that trust each other.
Blockchain-eKYC is maintained by Rahul Tiwari, Blockchain Developer, Primechain Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
The source code of Blockchain-eKYC is available on GitHub at:
Primary benefits
Records can be uploaded in any format (doc, pdf, jpg etc.) up to a maximum of 10 MB per record. These records are automatically encrypted using AES symmetric encryption algorithm and the decryption keys are automatically stored in the exclusive web application of the uploading entity.
When a new record is uploaded to the blockchain, the following information must be provided:
When the above information is provided, this is what happens:
Sample output:
{file_hash: 84a9ceb1ee3a8b0dc509dded516483d1c4d976c13260ffcedf508cfc32b52fbe
file_txid: 2e770002051216052b3fdb94bf78d43a8420878063f9c3411b223b38a60da81d
data_txid: 85fc7ff1320dd43d28d459520fe5b06ebe7ad89346a819b31a5a61b01e7aac74
signature: IBJNCjmclS2d3jd/jfepfJHFeevLdfYiN22V0T2VuetiBDMH05vziUWhUUH/tgn5HXdpSXjMFISOqFl7JPU8Tt8=
secrect_key: ZOwWyWHiOvLGgEr4sTssiir6qUX0g3u0
initialisation_vector: FAaZB6MuHIuX}
This section uses the following terminology:
The Transaction Processor of the eKYC application is written in Java. It contains all the business logic of the application. Hyperledger Sawtooth stores data within a Merkle Tree. Data is stored in leaf nodes and each node is accessed using an addressing scheme that is composed of 35 bytes, represented as 70 hex characters.
Using the Corporate Identity Number, or CIN, provided by the user while uploading, a 70 characters (35 bytes) address is created for uploading a record to the blockchain. To understand the address creation and namespace design process, see the documentation regarding Address and Namespace Design.
Below is the address creation logic in the application:
The User can upload multiple files using the same CIN. However, state will return only the latest uploaded document. To get all the uploaded documents on the same address, business logic is written in Transaction Processor.
The else { part will do the uploading of multiple documents on the same address and fetching every uploaded document from the state.
The client application uses REST API endpoints to upload (POST) and get (GET) documents on the Sawtooth blockchain platform. It is written in Nodejs. In case of uploading, few steps to be considered:
When getting uploaded data from blockchain, the following steps needs to be considered:
2. The client side logic is then written to convert the splitStringArray by decoding it to the required format and giving User an option to download the same in the form of a file.
Please refer to the guide here:
Third party software and components: bcryptjs, body-parser, connect-flash, cookie-parser, express, express-fileupload, express-handlebars, express-session, express-validator, mongodb, mongoose, multichain, passport, passport-local, sendgrid/mail.
Blockchain-eKYC is available under Apache License 2.0. This license does not extend to third party software and components.