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[VIDEO] Hyperledger Interviews Perianne Boring, Founder and President of the Chamber of Digital Commerce – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Hyperledger | Jun 25, 2018 9:00:14 AM

We are excited to feature Perianne Boring and the Chamber of Digital Commerce in this month’s Hyperledger community spotlight. Perianne is the Founder and President of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, the world’s largest trade association representing the blockchain technology industry. The Chamber focuses on public policy issues facing this ecosystem, and joined Hyperledger as an Associate Member, recognizing The Linux Foundation’s long-history of building sustainable ecosystems around open source projects.

In this video, filmed at Hyperledger Member Summit in Singapore, Perianne shares her insights from watching the public policy dialogue evolve the last few years from anxiety and fear in policy circles, to regulators now embracing the promise of blockchain. She calls out a few hallmark moments as proof points, including the Chamber’s participation as the only blockchain company at the White House’s first FinTech Summit, and meeting with the Federal Reserve and hearing the Chair go on record saying blockchain is an important technology.

The Chamber and Hyperledger agree on the importance of blockchain industry stakeholders proactively reaching out and be willing to engage and educate the public policy community, so that together we can ensure the longevity of these technologies as they become adopted in business environments.

To this end, Hyperledger recently formed the Public Sector Working Group, which focuses on the application of blockchain, and Hyperledger technologies in particular, for the government and public sector’s uses and needs. The working group is open to the public. All are encouraged to participate in the biweekly Friday calls and contribute to the development of government and regulatory use case ideation for blockchain technology.

Watch Perianne’s full interview below and please share it on your social channels!