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[VIDEO] Hyperledger Interviews Alex Migitko, COO, GameCredits – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Hyperledger | Mar 29, 2018 9:00:53 AM

At the last Hyperledger Member Summit in Singapore, we had the opportunity to sit down with Alex Migitko, COO of GameCredits, and learn more about why they joined Hyperledger.

First, a little about GameCredits. GameCredits is an international, multicultural company looking to transform the gaming industry with the GameCredits cryptocurrency (GAME) and other blockchain-based products. Founded in 2016 in Belgrade, Serbia, GameCredits Inc. is now a 100-people team spread across 10 offices in five countries.

In a contributed blog post in December, Alex shared his observations about blockchain and the gaming industry:

“Blockchain is becoming increasingly present in the gaming industry, but more as a concept than a tangible solution. That’s understandable because the technology is fairly new and I’m confident that blockchain will find its place in this industry, which has always been known for fast adoption and innovation. What you can see so far are roadmaps and plans detailing how blockchain can be implemented in gaming. But in terms of actual use, there aren’t many companies that can show off a viable product. Most of these projects are still works in progress.”

–Read the full blog post, “Does Blockchain Have a Role in Gaming?

In his video interview, Alex shares how since joining Hyperledger as a general member, the GameCredits team has fast-tracked their progress with their blockchain projects as they have become more active community participants. They more easily get in touch with other synergistic member companies across the globe, they see direct results of the work of other people and have a more clear picture overall of where Hyperledger projects are going. While they’re currently focused on developing their own permissioned blockchain projects based on Hyperledger Fabric, their goal is to ultimately share that back with the rest of the world through Hyperledger.

Please enjoy and share Alex’s full interview below!