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The Return of the Hyperledger Summer Internship Program – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Hyperledger | Mar 7, 2018 9:00:39 AM

Calling all student developers: Summer 2018 is your time to get real-world experience in blockchain technologies through Hyperledger’s internship program. We’ve put together an extensive line-up of internship projects proposed and led by active blockchain developers looking to expand Hyperledger projects and the technical community by teaming with the next generation of engineers.

This is your chance for one-on-one mentorship from some of the leading technologists in the Hyperledger community, as well as to build your development portfolio of projects that will feed into the larger Hyperledger ecosystem. Did we mention that these internships include a stipend and the potential to participate in Hyperledger Global Forum in Basel, Switzerland, December 12-15th? And you can work from anywhere!

The application is now open and the deadline to apply is March 23. Read on for descriptions of just some of the projects planned for this summer.

“The Hyperledger Intern Program is a great opportunity for everyone: interns, mentors and the broader Hyperledger community. I had the privilege of seeing last summer’s interns do their readouts, and engage the Hyperledger community members in Lisbon, and was impressed with their work. The feedback was universally positive from all involved.” – Chris Ferris, Hyperledger TSC Chair

Algorithmic Dispute Resolution in Construction

Construction is the second largest global industrial sector. Litigation accounts for approximately 10% of the expenditure. The industry suffers from a dysfunctional relationship between the architects, project managers, consultants, developers, and clients. This is a phased project that will model the workflows of a major construction project, in partnership with a leading UK contractor/project management company. The aim is to identify all relevant material prior to the contract being signed, automating the discovery phase of litigation, machining the large data set down to a ‘hearing bundle’ and then assessing ‘needs and interests’ prior to an automated resolution process. This is the first phase of the project and will focus on identifying the workflows and relevant documents, files and other digital material and on assembling them in the blockchain where authentication can take place and a ‘hearing bundle’ prepared.

Extended Functionality/Support for EVM Smart Contracts and Tooling in Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Burrow has created an EVM implementation that is being integrated into Fabric. In its initial phase, Hyperledger Fabric will support EVM bytecode smart contracts in a limited manner. Some of the features that need to be added include support for EVM smart contract events and extending support for the Ethereum API. This project will involve working with and understanding different blockchain platforms and being able to map their differing concepts.

Python Library for Hyperledger Iroha

Hyperledger Iroha is designed for simple creation and management of assets. This is a distributed ledger of transactions. Interns are expected to make a full fledged Python library for Iroha. Later, in the next stage, we want the intern to maintain the docs of Iroha. There are many missing docs on getting started and about the internal works of Iroha. We expect the student to complete the doc part along with dev work.

Hyperledger Identity WG On-boarding and Auth

The Hyperledger Identity WG intern will be mentored by members of the Identity WG / Hyperledger Indy Maintainers and accomplish two main tasks: learn and develop an iPython notebooks for onboarding new community members and a browser-based authentication app using decentralized identifiers in Hyperledger Indy. This bachelors-level internship has two core goals: experience and contribution.

    • Experience: The Identity WG Intern will create interoperable, open-source code that will educate new and existing Hyperledger community members. Creating an iPython notebook and code sample will be based on their own onboarding into Hyperledger and Indy, using what they have learned in the process and helping the community by identifying what would be more effective in a better onboarding experience. For browser-based authentication with DIDs, Interns will learn critical professional development skills, from working in GIT to understanding the structure of well-formed code, to developing their own tests and proper documentation best practices.
    • Contribution:Through developing both projects (iPython notebooks / code samples and browser-based authentication with DIDs), the Intern will be making an important contributions to future Hyperledger community members onboarding efforts, the Hyperledger Indy codebase and the entire decentralized identity ecosystem.

Hyperledger Composer Modeling Tools

The Hyperledger Composer modelling language is used by both Hyperledger Composer and the Accord Project, Cicero as an object-oriented data description (schema) language, based on a textual domain-specific language. The intern will be tasked with improving the tooling for the the Hyperledger Composer modelling language, including the ability to generate UML style diagrams and web-forms.

Read more details on the above projects and many more here. Then check out the requirements and application steps. Remember, applications are due by March 23, 2018.  

If you have any questions, please contact Remember, you can always plug into the Hyperledger community at github, Rocket.Chat the wiki or our mailing lists.