LF Decentralized Trust - Announcements

Hyperledger Momentum Continues With Eight New Members – Hyperledger Foundation

Written by Hyperledger | Mar 28, 2017 2:00:19 AM

Open source blockchain initiative ends Q1 2017 with impressive growth totaling 129 members

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – (March 28, 2017) Hyperledger, a collaborative cross-industry effort created to advance blockchain technology, announced today that eight new members have joined the project to help create an open standard for distributed ledgers for a new generation of transactional applications.

“Each month, I am thrilled to see new members from all walks of life and varying industries join Hyperledger,” said Brian Behlendorf, Executive Director, Hyperledger. “This community includes some of the smartest minds working to advance open blockchain technologies and bring about transparency and trust into this next generation stack of the Internet; I’m eager to see where this year takes us with production deployments.”

Hyperledger aims to enable organizations to build robust, industry-specific applications, platforms and hardware systems to support their individual business transactions by creating an enterprise grade, open source distributed ledger framework and code base. It is a global collaboration including leaders in finance, banking, IoT, supply chain, manufacturing and technology. The latest members include: BBVA, China Jiangsu Huaxin Blockchain Research Institute, Colored Coins, Consensus Base Inc., NEX Optimisation, SecureKey Technologies, The Blockchain Research Institute and VSP Global.

New Member Quotes:


“Being a Hyperledger partner is an important step forward in BBVA’s blockchain strategy, as it allows us to participate in the most relevant open-source communities in the industry and collaborate with companies from a wide range of sectors,” said Carlos Kuchkovsky, New Digital Business CTO, BBVA. “We believe that Hyperledger will be fundamental to ensuring standardization and interoperability in the different technologies and platforms that will make blockchain a powerful tool that will transform business processes and social relationships.”

China Jiangsu Huaxin Blockchain Research Institute

“It’s very exciting to have two forward thinking organizations with high aspirations and a will to change the world come together, joining forces for the greater common good,” said JBI Executive Director of Global Operations, Michael Yeung. “Our team from JBI is delighted to be a part of Hyperledger community. We look forward to collaborating and making this world a brighter place through blockchain.”

Consensus Base Inc.

“Consensus Base, a blockchain consulting and development startup based in Tokyo, is excited about joining Hyperledger,” said Hiroshi Shimo, CEO, Consensus Base. “So far, interest has been high in blockchain, as we’ve had many PoC projects, and got many requests from our clients. We hope we can share our insight and experience with the larger community and in turn learn from industry leaders about best practices.”

NEX Optimisation

“The financial services industry has spawned a huge number of legacy systems and fragmented data architectures which has led to complex processes and unnecessary cost for clients. Distributed ledger technology has the potential to transform our industry, simplifying client’s workflow and saving them billions of dollars in technology spend,” said Jenny Knott, CEO, NEX Optimisation. “At NEX, we are committed to the transformation of market structure, servicing our clients with emerging technologies. We are pleased to have joined the Hyperledger project which has successfully built a strong community focused on developing an open source framework for the use of distributed ledger technology across multiple participants.”

SecureKey Technologies

“The potential for blockchain to play a significant role in redefining online privacy and security is limitless, and we see a huge opportunity to apply it to improving identity authentication and verification in the digital age,” said Greg Wolfond, Founder and CEO, SecureKey Technologies. “As we begin to use distributed ledger technologies like Hyperledger to give consumers worldwide greater control over their digital assets, attributes and identity, it’s the perfect time for SecureKey to join and support the growing Hyperledger community.”

To see a full list of member companies, visit: https://www.hyperledger.org/about/members. If you’re interested in joining Hyperledger as a member company, please visit: https://www.hyperledger.org/about/join

About Hyperledger

Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort created to advance blockchain technology by addressing important features for a cross-industry open standard for distributed ledgers. It is a global collaboration including leaders in finance, banking, Internet of Things, supply chains, manufacturing and Technology. The Linux Foundation hosts Hyperledger as a Collaborative Project under the foundation. To learn more, visit: https://www.hyperledger.org/.